Social Network – Trailer

Social Network – log out your device

Social Networks have changed our daily lives.
Friends can connect anywhere and anytime, but it is a “Double – edged sword” and can
hurt you if you aren’t careful.
Social Networking continues to grow, especially among older teens.
Teens spend roughly 6hr per day online, 3hr 50min of which they spend on social
Teens spend 79% of their time online on social networks, doing the following activities:
88% Chat with a friend
87% Post comments on a friend’s post.
86% Post a status update
80% Post a photo or video
50% Play games
82% share PICTURES
73% share INTERESTS
72% share PHOTOS/ VIDEOS
58% mention their AGE
48% mention their FULL NAME
41% mention their SCHOOL NAME
29% share their EMAIL ADDRESS
10% share their LOCATION / ADDRESS
6% share their PHONE NUMBER
Need more information?
31 % of teens share content on social networks that they don’t want their family or
teachers to see.
18% of teens have been embarrassed or disciplined because of something they shared on a
social network.
Sharing too much can lead to CYBERBULLYING.
39% of teens on social networks have been cyberbullied.
What you share on social networks can affect your future.
Have you ever:
Been JEALOUS of someone else because of a social network?
Become DEPRESSED from spending too much time on a social network?
LOST INTEREST or FELT BORED on a social network?
If so, you are not alone.
Studies have found:
A social network can give you NEGATIVE EMOTIONS such as “WEB ENVY”.
It can amplify your depression, known as “social depression”.
19% of teens are “no longer visiting” or “using it less” as they suffer from “social fatigue”.

Are you sharing too much information?